Following on from the success of our Graveyard Photographic Project, now 88% complete and from which we have over 143,000 photos, we decided to launch a Graveyard Transcription Project on 16th September 2020.

Many people have asked how they can access these photos and by transcribing them we can update and correct our existing booklets and create new booklets. These booklets can then be available worldwide from our Online Shop which we launched in May this year and has already proved a success with family historians. Currently out of our 243 graveyards we only have Memorial Inscription books for 112 of these.

This task will take longer than taking the photos owing to the difficulty of reading some stones. However, transcribing the photos can be done by anyone, world-wide, in the comfort of their own home on their own computer. This does not need special programs.


We are trying to create a snapshot of our Local History and we hope you will want to be part of it. We are seeking people willing to spend a few hours to create a Word, or similar, file of transcriptions from the photos we have. This is a massive task, but with help from many of the individuals interested in Family History throughout the world we can create a wonderful archive.

If you are interested in helping with this project, please contact for further details.

We will update this page to show our progress.

We have now completed 202 Cemeteries, being 83% of the total.

Thank you,
Terry Brown
28 February 2024