Interesting Deaths from Dumfries & Galloway Newspapers

Whilst publishing our book series Deaths from Dumfries & Galloway Newspapers 1773-1855 we noted a number of ‘interesting’ or ‘colourful’ entries. Some are shown here:

Charles BROWN was shipwrecked and cannibalised in 1847.

Mr DONALDSON drowned in wreck at Portpatrick; interred by Parochial Board, Portpatrick but later disinterred & £45 found in trouser waistband.

Mrs EWART died 1836 Bride on Friday, wife on Saturday, kirked on Sunday, died on Monday.

2 sisters named FURLONG died on same day, one was 103 other 105.

William FOLEY died in 1808 duelling.

Mrs Deborah GODFREY died in 1788 age 80 having had 34 children!

Mrs Mary GOFF, born, married and died in the same room. Died age 76 in 1823.

Lieut. James GRACIE died 1814 against the American lines before Baltimore.

William GREEN died in 1827 age 80. He was confined for debt yet left £40,000 or £4.5m in 2022.

John GRIMES was murdered by Indians near Gonzales, Texas in 1840.

Thomas GUY, Master Mariner of Hull died in 1826 age 95 was the 28th son!

Hugh HAIMANS, died age 84 in 1850 was interred in wedding gown of 1st wife, with apron of 2nd.

James HAIR died suddenly age 87 in 1816 on his way to alter his will.

Mrs Georgiana HERON died 1851 age 37 ‘trod on lucifer, set clothing on fire’.

Thomas HINTOFF died 1820 6 times married!

Sarah HOWARD died in 1848 killed by an elephant at Liverpool Zoo.

A ‘young woman’ named IRVINE was buried in 1825 ‘with precautions against bodysnatchers’.

Mrs Elizabeth Stewart KER died in 1834 with the comment ‘selected to replace former wife, by whom Mr. K had family’.

George MILLER committed suicide on the grave of his former wife on 14 May 1807 having married Miss Russel on 12 May 1807.

Thomas ORTON died 1833 struck by the tail of a whale.

Jane POOL died 1851 aged 14 ‘of tight lacing’.

Mrs RYLEY died in Leicester ‘coffin 2ft, wide, 10 men to carry it’.

Sally SHAVLIN died in 1850 interred 17 Aug 1850; Wigtown; re-interred away from remains of Provost Coltern, the Persecutor.

Mary STEWART died in 1842 aged 92; 28 years a spinster, 22 years a wife, 42 years a widow.

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