DGFHS Syllabus for 2025
Our current schedule is below. Half of these are at times suitable for USA/Canada and half to suit Australia/New Zealand. We expect each to last 60-90 minutes. We have done our best to confirm world times but please confirm for your location.
Members need to register for our talks annually. To join a meeting send an email to zoom@dgfhs.org.uk with your details including Location and Membership Number. You will be added to our “repeat” listing unless you say otherwise. If you do not have your membership number then please email either the UK Membership Secretary at mbrs-sec-uk@dgfhs.org.uk or the Overseas Membership Secretary at mbrs-sec-os@dgfhs.org.uk who will be able to provide it to you.
New invites will be issued for each meeting on the day prior to the meeting. The meeting space will open 15 minutes prior to the advertised time to allow time for participants to check their system before the meeting starts. Following the Talk we will have a Question Time on General Genealogy questions and we appreciate receiving these in advance to enable us to prepare an answer. Written questions will take precedence. Please do try to send a question in as it provides for a more interesting meeting. There are no silly questions!
Recordings of each meeting will be available to those who have registered for the talk. You will be emailed within 24 hours of the meeting with a link to download the recording. The link is active for 7 days so please ensure you download whilst it is active.
If anyone feels they have a talk in them which would be of interest to our members please email zoom@dgfhs.org.uk with details.
January 2025 – No talk
19th February 2025 – 20.00UK 12:00PST 15:00EST 04:00AWST 09:00NZDT
Speaker: Tom Hughes
Title: Medieval Pilgrimages in Dumfries & Galloway
12th March 2025 – 10.00UK 02.00PST 05.00EST 18.00AWST 23.00NZDT
Speaker: Cat Irving
Title: Bloody Knives and Body Snatchers
16th April 2025 – 20.00UK 12:00PST 15:00EST 04:00AWST 09:00NZDT
Speaker: Pam Mitchell
Title: Jane Haining
Updated 02/12/2024