Publication Update

We have now issued our April 2024 Publication List which includes the 1841 Census and the Order Form. The Publication List is available on the Downloads page of the RESOURCES …

Photo Prices Reduced

To co-incide with our re-opening we have decided to reduce the cost of gravestone images to £1.50. See our Photograph section or Gravestone Photographs in the Online Shop. To find …

Gravestone Photographs

On 14th April we announced we would begin to sell gravestone photographs from our Graveyard Photographic Project. Initially, this will initially only be for Balmaghie Churchyard  and 2 Wanlockhead graveyards …

Graveyard Transcription Project

The Society have launched a Graveyard Transcription Project for Dumfries and Galloway and we are looking for your help. For full details please visit our Project page at which …

Website Update

We have added Locations of Dumfries and Galloway’s 238 Graveyards on a new Graveyard Locations page under our Resources Menu.