
Online Shop

!!!Big News!!! Today, 26th May 2020, the Society has launched its NEW Online Shop and it can be accessed from the main menu above. As we are unable to fulfil orders for printed books owing to our Research Centre being closed because of Coronavirus restrictions, we decided to create a shop online where you can purchase PDF versions of our books.

It opened with 62 E-Books being available and by end June All of our own publications have been made available, including Memorial Inscriptions, Old Parish Registers and Publications with extensive name indexes (as shown on our Publications List) are available.


The Bank of Scotland have new security measures in place and all cheques have to be made out to Dumfries & Galloway Family History Society.   Abbreviations are not acceptable.   Cheques will be refused or returned to the Treasurer if the correct full name of the account is not on the cheque.


Irongray- New Publication Available

NEW PUBLICATION Irongray Yesterday – a Parish History by Moira Aitken.
Available from Dumfries and Galloway Family History Society, 9 Glasgow Street, Dumfries DG2 9AF.
Price £18 plus p & p UK 2nd class £2.95 1st class £3.40.
Overseas prepared for posting weight is 806g

Can you help?

We always welcome offers of help from our members. Whether you would like to meet visitors in the Centre or work behind the scenes, helping with publications, or research or graveyard recording – or whatever your particular interest is, we will be pleased to see you. You do not need to be tied down to coming every week or even every month. Whatever time you can offer will be valued.

Newsletter Index

Under the RESOURCES section of the website we have created a new section being an index of all the Society’s Newsletters. We hope you find this useful.

Thanks to Alverie Weighill for creating the index of our first 91 issues.